Microsoft found a way to prevent speeding of PCs In 1965 Gordon Moore’ observed that the number of transistors in an integrated circuit (IC) doubles about every year. Later in 1975 this observation was adjusted, and he stated that the correct projection is a doubling every 18/24 months. This means that the potential speed of…
Autore: jcnordi
The AI manifesto
How AI can be dangerous for humans? A naive hypothesis The launch of the new ChatGpt, a tool available for the public for texting with an AI, raised a big focus of what’s going on with this research. The first ideas about AI started to spread in the mid of the last century. In 1950…
Fornite vs Apple: Battle Royale
The giant tech company from Cupertino has finally a contender: Epic Games. Apple, having reached such an high level in worldwide brand awareness, is well known for bullying everyone else. Starting from his customers, obliged to pay a big extra for a “luxury” piece of technology but not able to choose what software to run….
Bitlocker, the official Microsoft Ransomware
Friday I was not able to access my Surface Pro due to a Microsoft bitlocker issue. I found a blue screen and I was asked to follow an online process to retrieve the bitlocker unlock code. I followed the instructions but in order to get the information it was required an additional authentication with sms….
Dab? no grazie
Da alcuni mesi siamo martellati dalla voce di Marlene De Giovanni che ci invita ad informarci su una “nuova” tecnologia: il Dab+. Non si tratta in realtà di una nuova tecnologia: lo standard delle trasmissioni radiofoniche digitali denominato DAB (digital audio broadcasting) risale al 1981 quando iniziarono le prime ricerche verso la standardizzazione di una…
Content was king
Come sfruttare al meglio la long tail degli investimenti delle majors: il caso Netflix. Chiunque pensi di lanciare una nuova piattaforma distributiva deve avere bene in mente la celebre frase pronunciata da Bill Gates nel 1996: “Content is king”. Il successo di qualunque nuova forma distributiva non può prescindere dal contenuto di qualità. Lo sanno…
Cutting the long tail
In 2004 Chris Anderson introduced an important concept: the new and cheap distribution online chain was ready to change the market. The focus was shifting from selling large volumes of few popular items to selling smaller volumes of many more items. This model was perfect for describing what was happening in music distribution with digital…
Instagram, Facebook and their relationships with scammers
Facebook and Instagram news roll is often enriched with advertisements related to heavily discounted items. From Lacoste to Oakley and Ray-Ban. But also brand new hi-tech product whose reale value may not be yet perceived by people. These ads get millions of views and, thanks to impulse buying, they can easily mislead several distracted buyers…
Nintendo: fine supporto canale Wii Shop nel 2019
Nintendo si prepara ufficialmente a dire addio alle ultime funzionalità rimaste ancora attive. Lanciata sul mercato nel 2006, vantava, un hardware non particolarmente sofisticato, un sistema molto innovativo di controller basati sul rilevamento tridimensionale con raggi infrarossi ed accelerometri. La consolle vantava anche una connettività internet wifi e canali dedicati nella schermata d’accensione. Nintendo probabilmente…
Nexus 6 Motorola (Shamu root guide)
Questa guida serve per ottimizzare il vetusto Nexus 6 Motorola con la nuova versione di Android Nougat 7.1.1 (shamu-n6f26u-factory-6e52aa95). La procedura porta alla perdita di tutti i dati sullo smartphone. Installare i drivers adb e fastboot Accedere dal menu impostazioni sviluppatore del Nexus abilitando il debug usb Sbloccare il bootloader Avvirare il telefono in modalità…